프로메테우스 God of Fire Red Ashtray
  • 프로메테우스 God of Fire Red Ashtray

프로메테우스 God of Fire Red Ashtray

Bone China Ashtray
프로메테우스 God of Fire Red Ashtray
총 상품금액
총 할인금액
총 합계금액



Red Prometheus God of Fire Ashtray

무게 : 0.5 kg

사이즈 : 209 mm x 171 x 38

The art of making decorated porcelain were originated in China more than 1,000 years ago. 

In the mid 18th century, English potteries started producing bone china. 

Like porcelain, bone china is made with kaolin, feldspar and quarts,

but an extra ingredient, bone ash (derived from oxen or cattle bone). 

Bone ash makes bone china more shock-resistant, and gives soft snow white color and translucency.

  Due to its strength, bone china is made thinner and lighter. 

Prometheus bone china ashtrays are elegant art and decoration

 pieces for your house and office, and will enhance your smoking pleasure.